Svetovna mreža Ma(g)dalena International je mreža žensk, aktivistk, feministk, ki se preko metode gledališča zatiranih zavzemajo za enakost spolov in odpravo nasilja ter diskriminacije.
Ma(g)dalene so aktivne po celem svetu in tudi v Sloveniji smo se zbrale Magdalene Krivopete!
Z metodo gledališča zatiranih podpiramo prostor, ki je namenjen samo ženskam in se srečujemo s situacijami, ki so rezultat neenakosti spolov in ideje premoči.
Kako zavzeti prostor, kako najti izraz, kako podpreti sebe in kolegice, kako sodelovati v boju za solidarnost in enakovrednost vseh ljudi?
Zakaj je feminizem prihodnost sveta in kakšen/kakšna naj bo?
Kje in kdaj smo močne, kje in kdaj si želimo, da bi bile bolj, kako najti podporo druga pri drugi, kako se soočati s standardi družbe in zatiranji, ki jih narekuje patriarhat?
Kako lahko premostimo občutek krivde, ignorance in tekmovalnosti in zgradimo mrežo sočutja, zaupanja, podpore in akcije v iskanju poti do pravičnejše družbe brez nasilja, poti do enakosti spolov in upoštevanja človekovih pravic?
Skupina z rednim delom in srečanji deluje od decembra 2018 in je vedno odprta za nove članice, ki bi si želele postati Magdalena Krivopeta in s tem del mreže Ma(g)dalena International.
Redna srečanja so brezplačna.
Skupino podpira Jana Burger in skupina Madalena Berlin. Če imate vprašanja, se obrnite na
Magdalena International blog
Madalena Berlin
Ma(g)dalena International is a world-wide network of women, activists, femisits, who strive for equality of genders and elimination of violence and discrimination.
Ma(g)dalenas are actively engaged all over the globe and we have gathered in Slovenia, too, under the name Magdalene Krivopete.
We support a space that is intended only for women and we encounter situations that are the result of gender inequality and the idea of superiority with method of the theatre of the oppressed.
How to take space, how to find an expression, how to support yourself and colleagues, how to participate in the fight for solidarity and equality of all people?
Why is feminism the future of the world and what should it be?
Where and when are we strong, where and when we want to be stronger, how to find support in one another, how to face the standards of society and the oppression dictated by the patriarchy?
How can we overcome the sense of guilt, ignorance and rivalry and build a network of compassion, trust, support, and action in finding the way to a more just society without violence; the way to gender equality and respect for human rights?
The regular work and meetings of Magdalene Krivopete have been in operation since December 2018 and are always open to new members who would like to become Magdalena Krivopeta and thus part of the Ma(g)dalena International network.
Regular meetings are free of charge.
The group is supported by Jana Burger and Madalena Berlin. If you have any questions, please contact
Magdalena International blog
Madalena Berlin