V času, ko je COVID-19 temeljito spremenil delovanje gledališkega aktivizma, mednarodnega sodelovanja in skoraj vse druge dejavnosti, je potrebno vprašanje jasno nagovoriti. Tisočletja fizičnega in telesnega sodelovanja v skupnosti iz oči v oči ni mogoče digitalizirati zgolj tako, da se jih prestavi na splet kot takšne.
Festival Gledališče spletk ustvarja prostor za poglobljen premislek, eksperimentalen in skoraj laboratorijski pristop izmenjave mnenj, pristopov in izkušenj, iz katerih bo mogoče razviti nove pristope, tehnike in metodologijo prilagojeno gledališkemu mediju za delo online.
Online festival gledališča zatiranih bo v treh dneh predstavil tri produkcije in delavnice, kako misliti, uporabljati in prenesti metodo na splet ter jo uporabiti v mladinskem delu.
Prijave so še odprte >> https://forms.gle/rZtb5FYXwKx9qDPfA <<
P R O G R A M :
Vse predstave in delavnice bodo potekale med 18:00 in 21:00, izvedene bodo preko spletne platforme ZOOM.
- 1. 2022 – Ena roza je dovolj (predstava in delavnica): KUD Transformator, Magdalene Krivopete
- 1. 2022 – Šumi tišine (predstava in delavnica): Kuringa in RED MA(G)DALENA INTERNATIONAL
- 1. 2022 – Imamo izbiro? (predstava in delavnica): Centar za kazalište potlačenih POKAZ in Romska organizacija mladih Hrvaške
Partnerji v projektu in soorganizatorji festivala: KUD Transformator (Ljubljana), Centar za kazalište potlačenih POKAZ (Zagreb) in KURINGA (Berlin).
Projekt financira Erasmus+, MOVIT.
In times when COVID-19 changed the very foundations of the functioning of theatre activism, international collaboration and nearly all other activities, we need to clearly address this issue. It is impossible to simply digitalize and transfer online thousands of years of collaborative work performed physically, in person, in a community.
The Webbing Theatre Festival creates space for in-depth reflection, experiment and a virtually laboratory approach to exchange opinions, approaches and experience from which it will be possible to develop new approaches, techniques and methodologies adapted to the theatre medium working online.
In the scope of three days the online theatre of the oppressed festival will present three productions and workshops dealing with how to think, use and transfer its method onto the world wide web and apply it in youth work.
Register here >> https://forms.gle/rZtb5FYXwKx9qDPfA <<
P R O G R A M :
All performances and workshops will take place between 18:00 and 21:00, they will be organized via ZOOM.
- 1. 2022 – One Pink is Enough (performance and workshop): KUD Transformator, Magdalene Krivopete
- 1. 2022 – Noises of the Silence (performance and workshop): Kuringa and RED MA(G)DALENA INTERNATIONAL
- 1. 2022 – Do We Have a Choice? (performance and workshop): Centar za kazalište potlačenih POKAZ and Roma youth organisation Croatia
Project partners and co-organizers of the festival: KUD Transformator (Ljubljana), Centar za kazalište potlačenih POKAZ (Zagreb), KURINGA (Berlin).
Project financed by: Erasmus+, MOVIT.
Naslov: Ena roza je dovolj
Izvajalke: Magdalene Krivopete
Producent: KUD Transformator
Opis: Kje vse se zrcali patriarhalnost in heteronomativnost in kakšne so naše možnosti izbire (ne) glede na spol?
Predstava “Ena roza je dovolj” je nastala kot odgovor na primer sodne prakse v primeru spolnega nasilja v Sloveniji. Skozi proces ustvarjalke potrjujejo, da vsak “da” in vsak “ne” v vsakem primeru služi moškim. Ne glede na konvencije mednarodnega prava. Ker ena je dovolj, da smo vpletene vse.
Predstava ima obliko forumskega gledališča in k raziskovanju preko intervencij vabi tudi gled-igralke_ce.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=dmSL5xZKHUc&feature=youtu.be
Title: One Pink is Enough
Performers: Magdalene Krivopete
Producer: KUD Transformator
Description: Forum theater play “One pink is enough” has been developed as a response to a recent decision by local and state court in Slovenia in case of rape not being recognised as such. Through the process of creating a play and interacting with the spect-actors, the creators confirm the assumption of every “yes” and “no” to be in favour of men. No matter the conventions and international agreements. One is enough, to be the reality of every woman. The play is interactive, therefore it invites spect-actresses/actors to consider the situation presented and act accordingly, represented through intervention.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=dmSL5xZKHUc&feature=youtu.be
Naslov: Zvoki tišine
Opis: “Zvoki tišine”. Skupina feministk se znajde ujeta v patriarhalnih pasteh, ko začutijo svojo nezmožnost razbrati pomena tišine svojih spremljevalcev ter zaslišati nevarne zvoke, ki se skrivajo za to tišino. Kako se kolektivno soočiti z lastno ranljivostjo in še vedno skrbeti za neuspehe in napake brez kaznovanja samih sebe?
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ut9J1O8e1Fs
Title: Noises of the Silence
Description: “Noises of the Silence” A group of feminists finds themselves captured by patriarchal traps when discover their inability to decipher the meaning of the silence of their own companions and hear the danger noises behind it. How to deal collectively with own vulnerability and care about failures and mistakes without self-punishment?
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ut9J1O8e1Fs
Naslov: Do we have a choice? // Imamo li izbora?
Nastopajoče_i: Rosa Oršuš, Dijana Musić, Mirjana Destanović, Severina Lajtman, Marina Horvat, Danijela Halilović, Siniša-Senad Musić, Muhamed Husejni, Manuel Tairovska, Ricardo Osmanović, Kemal Delić
Producent: Center gledališča zatiranih POKAZ in Romska organizacija mladih Hrvaške
Opis: Forumska predstava “Imamo li izbora?” je sestavljena iz šestih prizorov skozi katere spremljamo življenje Štefice od svojega 16 do 24 leta. Zgodba predstavlja kako nekatere Romske družine vzpodbujajo kult devičnosti, ki pa namesto zaščite pogosto vodijo v zgodnje poroke. Predstavljeni so obredi določanja cene za nevesto, patriarhalni odnos ki vodi v družinsko nasilje ter Romsko sojenje. Ko vzamemo v obzir te raznolike oblike zatiranja se pojavi vprašanje: ali imamo izbiro?
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=UtvasJ1UVtQ&t=217s
Title: Do we have a choice?
Performers: Rosa Oršuš, Dijana Musić, Mirjana Destanović, Severina Lajtman, Marina Horvat, Danijela Halilović, Siniša-Senad Musić, Muhamed Husejni, Manuel Tairovska, Ricardo Osmanović, Kemal Delić
Production: Center for theatre of the oppressed POKAZ and Roma youth organisation Croatia
Description: Forum play “Do we have a choice?” has six scenes that follow the life of Štefica from 16 to 24 years of age. In the play we can see how some Roma families cultivate the cult of virginity that instead of protecting results in early marriage. It depicts the custom of arranging a price for the bride, patriarchy that results in domestic violence and Roma trial – community court. Taking in consideration the multiple oppression, we ask: Do we have a choice?
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=UtvasJ1UVtQ&t=217s