Magdalene Krivopete
Magdalene Krivopete smo skupina artivistk, feministk, ki družbeno realnost raziskujemo preko tehnik gledališča zatiranih. Z iskanjem estetskih izrazov in z interaktivnimi akcijami raziskujemo neenakosti na podlagi spola in odkrivajo stereotipe, ki podpirajo nasilje in mizoginijo. Kje vse se zrcali patriarhalnost in heteronomativnost in kakšne so naše možnosti izbire (ne) glede na spol?
Magdalene smo: Metka Bahlen Okoli, Jana Burger, Tina Ivnik, Tjaša Kosar, Barbara Polajnar, Urša Rahne in Neja Šmid
Magdalene Krivopete
Magdalene Krivopete is a group of artivists, feminists, who explore social reality through the techniques of Theater of the oppressed. Through the search for aesthetic expressions and through interactive campaigns, we explore gender inequalities and discover stereotypes that support violence and misogyny. Where does patriarchy and heteronomativity reflect, and what are our choices (in) gender?
We are Magdalenas: Metka Bahlen Okoli, Jana Burger, Tina Ivnik, Tjaša Kosar, Barbara Polajnar, Urša Rahne in Neja Šmid