Youstar je dvoletni projekt v sodelovanju s siciljanskim gledališčem La Guilla theater. Cilj projekta je izmenjava gledaliških praks z mladinskimi delavci in integracija teh praks, ter spoznavanje metode Antigona (in drugih inovativnih gledaliških metod) pri delu z mladimi, za spodbujanje inkluzije mladih iz deoriviligiranih skupin in njihovo opolnomočenje z gledališkimi tehnikami. V okviru projekta bo izdan tudi e-priročnik z študijami primerov iz držav partneric pri projektu in napotki za uporabo omenjenih praks pri mladinskem delu.

(eng) YOuth workers Using Theatre Augmenting cReativity is a two-years project based on theatre techniques to increase the skills of youth workers. YO.US.T.A.R. focuses on theatre and performing arts as tools to foster the social inclusion of young people, based on an innovative theatre methods developed in other EU-funded projects by LA GUILLA Theatre and Know&Can. The project moves from a review of theory and practice in the field of theatre as a tool for integration, to facilitating a toolkit that can be deployed by NGOs/theatre working in the field of youth, to an e-booklet with case studies from the partners and a collection of recommendations for practitioners and youth workers to work with theatre for social inclusion across Europe.

Uradna spletna stran projekta: http://youstar.info/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YOUSTARproject

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