11.-14. 9. 2022

Sodni stolp, Maribor

Na zadnjem od treh srečanj mednarodnega strateškega partnerstva Erasmus+, Esteticas Feministas bomo izmenjevale dobre prakse feminističnega gledališča zatiranih s partnerskimi organizacijami s Hrvaške, Francije, Portugalske, Španije in Nemčije, tudi članicami širše mednarodne mreže feminističnega gibanja Magdalenas International. Gostili bomo Barbaro Santos, ki zagotovo velja za svetovno eminenco feminističnega gibanja v gledališču zatiranih.


11.-14. 9. 2022


Esteticas Feministas will be the last meeting of the strategic Erasmus+ partnership. Within the meeting, we will exchange good practices of feminist theatre with a focus on methodologies of the theatre of the oppressed and community building. We are happy that this year’s special guest will be Barbara Santos, that for sure represents an eminence of the feminist movement in the theatre of the oppressed world community. In this program, we collaborate together with partner organizations from Croatia, France, Portugal, Spain, and Germany, with which we also form a part of a bigger feminist theatre movement Magdalenas International.


Nedelja, 11. 9. 2022, 20.00

Sans mot | Brez besed, Magdalena Amiens (FRA)


Ponedeljek, 12. 9. 2022, 20.00

Da, verjamem ti, Magdalene Krivopete (SLO)


Torek,13. 9. 2022, 20.00

Noises of Silence, Ma(g)dalena International Network (INTL)


sunday, 11. 9. 2022, 20.00

Sans mot | WITHOUT WORDS, Magdalena Amiens (FRA)


Monday, 12. 9. 2022, 20.00

Yes, I believe you, Magdalene Krivopete (SLO)


Tuesday,13. 9. 2022, 20.00

Noises of Silence, Ma(g)dalena International Network (INTL)

Projekt financira Evropska unija iz programa Erasmus+. Soorganizator dogodka je Društvo ZIZ.

The projcet is financed by European Union thru programme Erasmus+. coorganiser of the event is Društvo ZIZ.


Gledališče zatiranih se je razvilo kot odgovor na nepravice v družbi, kot prostor, kjer lahko zatirane raziskujemo zatiranje skozi gledališke tehnike in jih kot reprezentacijo realnosti postavimo na oder. GZ v svojem namenu presega individualnost, je politično, stremi k skupinski akciji in v predstavah vključuje gled-igralke in gled-igralce (forumsko gledališče). Prav tako kot metoda ustreza nagovarjanju problematike patriarhalnih vrednot in tako utemeljenih družbenih konstruktov. Tudi v tem projektu želimo preko gledališke estetike nagovoriti neenakosti na področju spola, rase, razreda, spolne usmerjenosti in kulturne pripadnosti, torej pogled na problematiko skozi intersekcionalni feminizem. Osebne izkušnje, kot osebe socializirane kot ženske, prevedemo v širši družbeni kontekst in se preko tehnik GZ skupaj z občinstvom sprašujemo, kaj določa obstoj in reprodukcijo zatiranja.

Projekt “Esteticas Feministas para Poeticas Politicas” bo potekal med avgustom 2021 in oktobrom 2022 in bo vključeval delo z lokalnimi skupinami, ki bodo vključevale tudi mlade udeleženke in udeležence. Imeli bomo tri mednarodna srečanja (Berlin, Barcelona, Ljubljana), cilj pa je tudi produkcija forumske predstave. Preko projekta želimo okrepiti vezi med skupinami Ma(g)dalen na evropski ravni, predvsem pa v državah članicah tega projekta, torej Španiji, Nemčiji, Portugalski, Franciji in Sloveniji. Cilj je tudi razvoj kompetenc omenjene metode, predvsem vloge kuringe (“jokerke”). V projekt bodo vključene tako izkušene kuringe kot tudi mlade, ki se z metodo spoznavajo. Namen projekta je opolnomočiti mlade z znanjem metodologije GZ v aktivnem boju proti vsakršnemu nasilju in patriarhalnim mehanizmom družbe.

The Theater of the Oppressed arises as a response to the urgency of constructing forms of theatrical representation that do not judge the oppressed for the oppressions they face and, at the same time, overcome the individualism. It is a methodology available to all those committed to overcoming patriarchy. The Theater of the Oppressed promotes the aesthetic investigation of injustices directly linked to the intersection between gender, race and class. The specific proposal of this methodology is an aesthetic and political investigation, which seeks to reveal the social structure that determines the reproduction of oppressions, in the staging and in the dialogue with the public.

This project, which will be carried out through this methodology, consists of a series of transnational meetings (Berlin, Barcelona, Ljubljana) that will make it possible to consolidate the European network of Theater of the Oppressed, in particular the network of Ma(g)dalena movement.

The main objective is to strengthen at the European level, a systematized and networked working method, based on the aesthetics of the oppressed, which allows improving the competences of the curingas in youth work and the strengthening of the methodology applied as a tool for prevention of violence in various fields.Finally, the systematization, internal work and creation of results begins and the closing with a Magdalenas Laboratory for the local community. With all this, it is expected to articulate the current fabric of multipliers (curingas), as a regular space for the exchange of good practices and collective and creative resources, to obtain an analysis of the structural mechanisms that support the patriarchy, to seek alternatives for action and promotion of gender equality. Another desired result is to train and replicate the methodology in different groups of young people, who acquire practical tools in violence prevention. We hope to multiply the methodology, generating new Theater of the Oppressed groups that expand the network, and guarantee its continuity and sustainability.

The impact will occur at the level of the network, with its strengthening and articulation through its consolidation and the qualification of the people, groups and organizations associated with the project. In addition to the establishment of strategic alliances between the training and artistic work of the project, with organizations and institutions that have social and political impact at the local, national and international levels to consolidate the exchange and dissemination of experience. We will also find this impact among young people, due to the contribution to their training in innovative and sociocultural methods, which allows them to develop tools for their autonomy and role as training referents and curingas to multiply the method.