Gledališko-aktivistična skupina Transformator svoje ustvarjanje veže na gledališče zatiranih, gledališče za družbene spremembe. Skupina Transformator se je formirala novembra 2010 po 17-dnevnem intenzivnem izobraževanju o tehnikah gledališča zatiranih (oktober–november 2010), ki jih je vodila mentorica in trenerka Birgit Fritz z Dunaja. Delavnice so bile izvedene v okviru projekta Globalna Sofa.
Gledališko-aktivistična skupina Transformator ne želi producirati visoke umetnosti, ampak se približati ljudem. Transformatorji in Transformatorke svojo ustvarjalno energijo črpamo iz aktualno-družbenih tematik ter jih publiki (gled-igralcem) ponujamo v okus, obdelavo, preoblikovanje in konstruktivno kritiko. Glede na raznolikost področij, ki jih člani in članice poklicno ali izobrazbeno pokrivamo, tudi tehnike gledališča zatiranih kombiniramo ali uporabljamo predvsem skozi prizmo osebnega delovanja.
Transformatorska specialiteta je delovanje po principu ‘gledališče na klic’. Sladostrastno, izvirno, humorno in radodarno gledališko kuhinjo začinjamo z drznimi intervencijami – po potrebi in ad hoc. Ko zapiha transformatorski duh, vzplamtita ognjeviti socialni čut in potreba po spremembah in transformacijah. Skratka, uporništvo še nikoli ni bilo tako zabavno, koristno in z razlogom.
Več informacij:
The theater-activist group binds its activities to Theatre of the Oppressed, the theatre for social change. The Transformator Group was formed in November 2010 after a 17-day intensive training in the techniques of Theatre of the Oppressed (October-November 2010), led by a mentor and coach Birgit Fritz from Vienna. The workshops were conducted as part of Global Sofa project.
The goal of the theater-activist group Transformator is not to produce high art but rather to approach people. Its memebers draw their creative energy from burning social issues which are offered to the audience (spect-actors) in order for them to try, process and reshape it and give constructive criticism. Given the variety of areas that can be covered by the members’ professional or educational background, the techniques of the Theatre of the Oppressed are combined or used primarily through the prism of personal involvement.
A specialty of KUD Transformator is the principle of ‘theatre on call’. Passionate, original, humorous and generous theater spiced with bold interventions – ad hoc and according to needs. When the wind of transformation blows, a spirit of passionate social responsibility and the need for change and transformation bloom. In short, defiance has never yet been so much fun, useful, and justified.
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