Letošnji kreativni in izobraževalni ne-festivalski angažma je povzet v geslu “Duh časa”. Ta je posebej ostro zarezal v tkivo civilizacije s privajanjem na virusno krizo, ki je hkrati odkrila, kje vse družba gnije in trohni. V nepričakovanih in zahtevnih časih pa lahko zadiši tudi po spremembah – ekonomska neenakost, kratenje osnovnih človekovih pravic, okoljska kriza, interes kapitala pred dobrobitjo človeštva so nekateri izmed duhov 21. stoletja. Duhov se ne smemo bati. Potrebno jih je poiskati, spoznati, nasloviti in z angažmajem sooblikovati svet in čas, ki jima pripadamo.
Ne-festival gledališča zatiranih problematike išče in najde – z delavnicami, predstavami in spremljevalnim programom, ki vzpostavljajo prostor debate in omogočajo skupno iskanje rešitev za bolj solidarno ter ljudem in okolju prijaznejšo družbeno ureditev.
This year the topic of the creative and educational engagement of the Non-festival can be summarised in the motto ‘Zeitgeist’. This became obvious as the adaptation to the virus crisis sharply cut into the tissue of our civilisation and disclosed the many festering and rotting corners of our society. However, such unexpected and trying times can also bring about change – economic inequality, encroachment of basic human rights, environmental crisis, placing the interest of capital before the wellbeing of humanity – these are just some of the ghosts of the 21st century. We should not fear these ghosts, however. We need to seek them out, get to know them, address them and co-create the world and time we belong to through our engagement.
Non-festival of Theatre of the Oppressed seeks out and addresses such issues – through workshops, performances and accompanying programme which open up a space for discussion and allow for a communal search for solutions to increase solidarity and create a social order more amiable to people and the environment.