21. 08 – 24. 08. 2024

PLAC, Linhartova cesta 43




Sreda, 21. 8. 2024 ob 20:00

Konspirološki kabaret, koncert

Teorija zarote v besedi in glasbi

Se sprašujete, kam gre ta svet?
Vas skrbijo vojne, globalno segrevanje, draginja, umetna inteligenca, golobi, usoda vesolja itd., itd.? Čutite, da bi morali nekaj ukreniti, pa se vam še sanja ne kaj, ker je vse tako zelo kompleksno?
Se zato počutite zakompleksane, zafrustritrane, anksiozne in deprimirane?
Brez skrbi, imamo rešitev za vse vaše težave!
Pogoltnili bomo rdečo tableto, potem pa vam pokažemo, kako globoko sega zajčja luknja.
Ker niste krivi vi, krivi so ONI!!!
Kdo pa drug.

Avtor besedila in režiser: Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Avtorska glasba: Rok Šinkovec, Urban Logar Nastopajo: Danijela Zajc, Urban Logar, Rok Šinkovec, Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Kostumografija: Katarina Zalar
Izvršna producentka: Ankica RadivojevićOblikovanje maske: Tinka Prpar
Oblikovanje zvoka: Fabijan Purg
Produkcija: Društvo Matafir
Zahvale: PLAC

Dogodek sofinancira Ministrstvo za kulturo.


Wednesday, 21. 8. 2024 at 8pm

Concert: Conspirology Cabaret

Conspiracy theory in music and song

Are you worried about where things are going?
Are you feeling uneasy about wars, global warming, inflation, artificial intelligence, pigeons, the fate of the universe, etc., etc., etc.? Do you feel like you should do something, but you haven’t the faintest idea what, since it’s all so complex?
Does that make you feel perplexed, frustrated, anxious and depressed?
Don’t worry, we have the perfect solution to all of your problems!

Together we’ll take the red pill and then we’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Because it’s not your fault. It was THEM!!!
Who else.

Author and director: Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Music: Rok Šinkovec, Urban Logar
Performers: Danijela Zajc, Urban Logar, Rok Šinkovec, Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Costume design: Katarina Zalar
Executive Producer: Ankica Radivojević
Make-up design: Tinka Prpar
Sound design: Fabijan Purg
Production: Matafir Association
Acknowledgements: PLAC
The event is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture.

Četrtek, 22. 8. 2024

ob 20:00

Nepovabljeni gosti

forumska predstava Act(ivate) Your Story

Vabimo vas na večer osebnih zgodb, kritičnih razprav in ustvarjalnega raziskovanja sistemskih vprašanj, ki vplivajo na posameznike z migrantsko izkušnjo. Pridružite se nam na večeru transformativnega gledališča!

V seriji delavnic gledališča zatiranih so ustvarjalke_ci skupine Act(ivate) Your Story ustvarile_i performanse, v katerih se poglabljajo v medijske obravnavo migrantskega dela, ekonomske razsežnosti migracij in birokratske ovire, s katerimi se soočajo osebe z migrantsko izkušnjo. 

Projekt Act(ivate) Your Story financira PROTEUS program Transatlantske fundacije in sofinancirala Evropska unija.

ob 22:00

Jazz klub Mezzoforte – Tradicionalne freestyle karaoke & jam session

THURSDAY, 22. 8. 2024


Unwelcomed guests, forum performance 

You are invited to an evening of personal stories, critical discussion and creative exploration of systemic issues that affect individuals with migrant experiences. Join us for an evening of transformative theatre!

In a series of workshops in Theatre of the Oppressed techniques, the participants of the Act(ivate) Your Story group have created short performances that delve into how the media are covering migrant labour, the economic dimensions of migration, and the bureaucratic barriers faced by people with migrant experiences.

The Act(ivate) Your Story project is funded by the PROTEUS programme of the Transatlantic Foundation and co-funded by the European Union. 


Jazzz Klub Mezzoforte Traditional freestyle karaoke & jam session

PETEK, 23. 8. 2024 ob 20:00

“Kako delamo družino?”
forumska predstava TDU Wien

Gledališki kolektiv Resilient Revolt skupine TDU Wien bo predstavil novo predstavo forumskega gledališča “Kako delamo družino?”. S pomočjo forumskega gledališča prikažejo konflikte, ki se pogosto zdijo nerešljivi. Občinstvo ima nato priložnost, da zamenja določene like v igri in samo preizkusi, kaj bi lahko v prikazani situaciji storili drugače. Skupaj iščemo nove možnosti, kako ukrepati. Z forumskim gledališčem vadimo za jutrišnjo resničnost, kajti: kar deluje na odru, deluje tudi v “resničnem življenju”.

V predstavi “Kako delamo družino?” občinstvo vidi vsakdanje družinske prizore, ki protagoniste spravljajo v zadrego: Kako odnose v naših družinah še vedno določajo patriarhalne strukture? Česa sem se naučil/a, tako da zdaj to prenašam naslednji generaciji? Kako se spopadam s pritiski pričakovanj in čustvene distance? In kje naj najdem pogum, da naslovim vse to?

O teh in podobnih vprašanjih bomo v forumskem delu razpravljali z občinstvom, dobivali ideje, zbirali nov pogum in navsezadnje vadili za nov jutri.

FRIDAY, 23. 8. 2024 AT 8PM

Forum performance: TDU Wien: How do we do family?

The theater collective Resilient Revolt of the Theater of the Oppressed Vienna presents the new forum theater play „How do we do family?“. Forum theater shows conflicts that often seem unsolvable. The audience then has the opportunity to replace specific characters in the play and try out for themselves what could be done differently in the situation shown. Together we look for new possibilities for action. With forum theater, we rehearse for the reality of tomorrow, because: what works on stage also works in „real life“.

In „How do we do famlily?“, the audience sees everyday family scenes that leave the protagonists perplexed: How do patriarchal structures still shape relationships in our families? What have I learned that I am passing on to my next generation? How do I deal with the pressure of expectations and emotional distance? And where do I find the courage to address all this?

These questions will be discussed with the audience in the forum section, ideas will be generated, new courage gathered and finally rehearsed for a new tomorrow.

SOBOTA, 24. 8. 2024 ob 21:00


SATURDAY, 23. 8. 2024 AT 9PM




Uvodna delavnica za spoznavanje, povezovanje, zabavanje 

Igrale_i se bomo Igre za igralce in neigralce, ki so temelj metodologije gledališča zatiranih in jih lahko uporabimo v vseh fazah dela s skupinami. Nepogrešljive so pri vzpostavljanju nove skupnosti, sodelujoče podprejo, da se osvobodijo spon svojega družbenega položaja, izrazijo sebe, svoje notranje doživljanje ter svet okoli sebe.

Introductory workshop for getting to know each other, connecting and having fun

We will play Games for Actors and Non-actors, which forms the basis of the Theatre of the Oppressed methodology and can be used in all phases of working with groups. They are indispensable in the creation of new communities, supporting participants to emancipate themselves from the shackles of their social position and to express themselves about their inner experience and the world surrounding them.

Delavnica intervencije v javni prostor

Priprave na končno produkcijo. Prek delavnice bomo delale_i na zbiranju in fokusiranju vsebine, z namenom izpostavljanja vsebin, ki sicer v javnosti niso dovolj vidne. Uporabile_i bomo pristop Sesame, ki spada v okvir dramske terapije in uporablja simbolni ali slikovni jezik, ki ga izražamo s pomočjo giba, drame, dotika, uprizarjanja zgodb, improvizacije in uporabe glasu v varnem in igrivem prostoru. Spoznale_i bomo osnove nastopanja v javnem prostoru (zavzemanje prostora, fokus, pritegovanje pozornosti). Predlagana tema je gentrifikacija.

Izvedbo delavnice sofinancira Mestna občina Ljubljana.

Interventions into public space workshop

Preparations for the final production. Through the workshop we will work on gathering and focusing content, with the aim of highlighting content that otherwise does not get enough attention in the public. We will use the Sesame approach, part of the drama therapy methodology, which uses symbolic and/or pictorial language expressed through movement, drama, touch, staging of stories, improvisation and the use of voice in a safe and playful environment. We will learn the basics of performing in public space (occupying space, focus, attracting attention). The proposed topic is gentrification.

The workshop is co-funded by the Municipality of Ljubljana.

Forumski laboratorij

bo namenjen analizi forumske predstave, ki si jo bomo ogledale_i pretekli večer. Razmišljale_i in preizkušale_i bomo možnosti razvoja predstave, preizkušale_i predloge ter med sabo prenašale_i izkušnje, znanja in pristope (estetika gledališča zatiranih, dramaturgija, džokering, participacija publike ipd.).

Forum Lab

will be devoted to the analysis of the forum performance we will have watched the previous evening. We will reflect on and test the possibilities of developing the performance, try out new proposals and share our experience, knowledge and approaches (aesthetics of the theatre of the oppressed, dramaturgy, jokering, audience participation, etc.).

Mentorice_ji delavnic: Tjaša Kosar, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Metka Bahlen Okoli, Lukas Mayer, Julia Pausch, Samuel Flach.

Workshop facilitators: Tjaša Kosar, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Metka Bahlen Okoli, Lukas Mayer, Julia Pausch, Samuel Flach

Projekt podpira Mestna Občina Ljubljana – Urad za mladino