25. 11. 2022, 17-20h
26. 11. 2022, 11-17h
27. 11. 2022, 10-16h
udeležba je brezplačna /
the workshops are free of charge
Tudi ti potrebuješ zaupen čas in prostor, kjer bi lahko na nekonvencionalen način, brez top down terapije, naslavljal_a stiske, ki neposredno izhajajo iz tvojih osebnih stisk, posredno pa iz naših družbenih situacij?
Ker so po drugem letu epidemije raziskave jasno pokazale, da se obenem soočamo tudi z epidemijo duševnih stisk in osamljenostjo, naše dolgoletno nabiranje izkušenj usmerjamo v projekt, prvi takšne vrste v Sloveniji, ki skupnostno naslavlja kolektivno krizo duševnega zdravja s tehniko gledališča zatiranih.
Vabimo te na poglobljeno Mavrico želja, skupinsko gledališko-terapevtsko tehniko, ki se od bolj poznanih tehnik psihodrame in sociodrame razlikuje po tem, da jih je Augusto Boal oblikoval na podlagi potreb ljudi, ki živimo na Zahodu, saj je v skupinah, s katerimi je delal v Evropi in ZDA, prepoznal osamljenost, strah pred praznino in nezmožnost komuniciranja, njegove tehnike pa naslavljajo ravno tovrstne težave.
Do you also need a confidential time and space where you could in an unconventional way, without top-down therapy, address hardships that directly arise from your personal hardships, but indirectly from our social systems?
After the second year of the epidemic, the research has clearly shown that we are also facing an epidemic of mental distress and loneliness, therefore we are channeling our experience in this project that addresses the collective crisis of mental health as a community, using the technique of the theater of the oppressed.
We are inviting you to our deep Rainbow of Desires weekend, a group theater-therapeutic technique that differs from the more familiar techniques of psychodrama and sociodrama in that Augusto Boal designed them based on the needs of people who live in the West, as he is in groups with which he worked in Europe and the USA, recognized loneliness, the fear of emptiness and the inability to communicate, and his techniques address precisely these kinds of problems.
Bi želel_a raziskovati svoje notranje konflikte in ponotranjena zatiranja ter jih kolektivno naslavljati ter razreševati?
Ustvariti želimo zaupno skupino, odprto za vse med 18-29 let starosti, ne glede na spol, spolno usmerjenost, etnično ali materialno ozadje, politična in verska prepričanja ali katero koli drugo osebno okoliščino. Naša srečanja so za vse brezplačna.
Would you like to explore your internal conflicts and internalized oppressions, collectively address and resolve them?
We want to create a confidential and supportive group, open to everyone between the ages of 18-29, regardless of gender, color of skin, sexual orientation, ethnic or material background, political and religious beliefs or any other personal circumstances.
Our meetings are free for everyone.
Želiš doprinesti k destigmatizaciji in detabuizaciji duševnih stisk?
Vabljen_a na zaupen samo-transformativen proces, ki se nagiba k spodbujanju samo-izražanja in samo-zastopanja s pristopom, ki kolektivizira psihoterapevtske procese, jih da na voljo in v uporabo vsakomur -tudi tistim, ki si sicer tovrstnih pomoči ne bi mogli finančno privoščiti ter demokratizira terapijo!
Do you want to contribute to the destigmatization and detabooisation of mental distress?
You are Invited to a confidential self-transformative process that tends to encourage self-expression and self-representation with an approach that collectivizes psychotherapeutic processes, making them available and usable by everyone – even those who otherwise would not be able to financially afford such help, which democratizes therapy!
projekt sofinancira MOL mladina