3. konferenca
gledališča zatiranih:
ali skupnost?
Petek, 13. 12. 2024,
17.00- 20.00,
Trubarjeva 3
V petek, 13. decembra se je v Ljubljani odvila Transformatorjeva (mednarodna) konferenca gledališča zatiranih. Gledališče zatiranih je metoda, ki oder uporablja kot prostor za diskusijo o prezrtih in preslišanih družbenih tematikah in je lahko orodje za doseganje socialne pravičnosti.
Če je namen gledališča zatiranih izhajanje iz potreb skupnosti, delo (tudi) z marginaliziranimi skupnostmi, njihovo opolnomočenje ter dolgoročno delovanje, se sprašujemo, če lahko danes sploh govorimo o gledališču zatiranih kot skupnostnem gledališču? Ali morda gledališče zatiranih vse bolj postaja projektno naravnano gledališče, omejeno z medijsko monopolnimi tematikami, produkcijskimi, finančnimi in prekarnimi oblikami delovanja?
Namen konference je krepitev prepoznavnosti gledališča zatiranih kot prakse za uveljavljanje družbenih sprememb, povezovanje in reflektiranje našega delovanja ter prostora in časa, v katerega je umeščeno. Z gosti in vsemi prisotnimi na dogodku želimo odpreti prostor za diskusijo, se srečati s primeri dobrih in spodletelih praks gledališča zatiranih kot skupnostnega ali projektnega načina delovanja. Razmišljali bomo tudi, kako gledališče zatiranih kot skupnostno gledališče v praksi in teoriji bolj podpreti.
3rd Conference of Theatre of the Oppressed:
Project-Oriented or Community Work?
FRIDAY, 13. 12. 2024,
17.00- 20.00,
Trubarjeva 3
On Friday, 13 December, the third (International) Theatre of the Oppressed Conference took place in Ljubljana, organised by the Transformator association. Theatre of the oppressed is a method that uses theatre stage as a space for discussion about ignored and overlooked social issues and can also serve as a tool for achieving social justice.
If the purpose of theatre of the oppressed is to start from the needs of the community, to work (also) with marginalised communities, to empower them and to work long-term, the question arises if today it is even possible to talk about theatre of the oppressed as community theatre? Could it be that theatre of the oppressed is increasingly becoming a project-oriented theatre, constrained by media-monopolised themes, production and financing conditions and precarious forms of action?
The conference aims to raise the profile of theatre of the oppressed as a practice for social change, to connect and reflect on our work and the space and time in which it is situated. We want to open up a space for discussion with guests and all that will attend the event, in order to pinpoint examples of good and failed practices of theatre of the oppressed as either a community or a project-based mode of action. We will also reflect on how to better support theatre of the oppressed as community theatre in practice and theory.
Produkcija / production: KUD Transfomator
Dogodek sofinancira Mestna občina Ljubljana, Urad za mladino. /
The event is cofinanced by City Municipality of Ljubljana, Office for Youth