9. mednarodni Ne-festival gledališča zatiranih
Kako je lep zdaj ta naš svet
9th international Non-festival of the Theatre of the Oppressed
What a wonderful world
Kako v letu 2021 soustvarjati pravičnejšo družbo? Več kot leto trajajoča zdravstvena kriza je marsikateri družbeni fenomen potisnila do ekstrema – smo priče in del kolektivnega odziva in empatičnih akcij, in obenem tudi tragičnih zgodb in politične samovolje. Pomembno pa je poudariti, da zdravstvena kriza družbenih problemov in neenakosti ni povzročila, temveč jih je zgolj podčrtala z debelim flomastrom. Zdaj se jih morda zavedamo bolj kot prej, a hkrati v krču ne vemo, kako se odzvati. Rešitev iz klinča? Vemo, kaj, in ugotovili bomo, kako. Potrebne so spremembe od spodaj navzgor.
9. mednarodni Ne-festival gledališča zatiranih bo potekal od 4. do 8. avgusta 2021 v Gornjem Gradu. Program bo zajemal raznolike delavnice, predstave in program za otroke. PRIJAVE SO ODPRTE DO 20. 7. 2021.
Preddogodek Ne-festivala, mednarodni trening v gledališču zatiranih, Theatre for Living, bo potekal od 30. 7. do 8. 8. in mednarodne udeležence iz šestih držav (Slovenija, Romunija, Italija, Bolgarija, Avstrija in Nemčija) izobraževal v tehniki forumskega gledališča in jokeringa. Več o treningu spodaj.
Sofinancerji: ERASMUS+, Mestna občina Ljubljana, JSKD, Občina Gornji Grad
Produkcija: KUD Transformator
Soorganizacija: DEOS Gornji Grad, Krog, društvo za skupnostno umetnost in prostor
Izvedbo 9. Ne-festivala gledališča zatiranih podpirajo: Lušt, Hiša medu Božnar
How to co-create a more just society in the year 2021? The health crisis, lasting for more than one year, has brought several social phenomenons to their extremes – we are witnessing and partaking in collective reactions to this and empathic actions, but also in tragic stories and political authoritarianism. It is important to emphasize that the health crisis did not cause these social problems and inequalities, but rather only highlighted them in vivid colours. While we may now be more aware of this than ever before, we are also still in shock and unable to respond. How to get out of this clinch? We know what is needed and we need to find out how to do it. Bottom-up change is necessary.
The 9th international Non-festival of Theatre of the Oppressed will take place from August 4th to 9th 2021 in Gornji Grad, Slovenia. The programme includes diverse workshops, performances and a programme for children. REGISTRATION IS OPEN UNTIL JULY 20th 2021.
Before and during the Non-festival itself a preparatory international training in theatre of the oppressed entitled Theatre for Living will take place from July 30th to August 8th. International participants from 6 countries (Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria and Germany) will be learning the techniques of forum theatre and jokering skills.
Funding: ERASMUS+, Municipality of Ljubljana, JSKD, Municipality of Gornji Grad
Production: KUD Transformator
Co-organisers: DEOS Gornji Grad, Krog
Supported by: Lušt, Hiša medu Božnar
Foto: Marija Zakelšek
English below.
Gornji Grad leži v dolini med gorami, zato so lahko noči tudi sredi poletja dokaj hladne. Poleg kreme za sončenje, sandalov, kratkih hlač in slamnikov ne pozabite prinesti toplih oblačil za zvečer, pa tudi dežnika ali pelerine, če bo slučajno deževalo. Gornji Grad je del neokrnjene narave in želimo si, da bi tako tudi ostalo. Zato zagovarjamo življenje v skladu z naravo. Kljub temu pa zaradi posebnih razmer, v katere nas je epidemija pahnila, naprošamo vse udeleženke_ce, da s seboj prinesejo zaščitne maske, razkužilo in repelente proti klopom in komarjem.
- (!) S seboj imejte masko, razkužilo za roke, repelent proti klopom in komarjem.
- Prinesite pulover ali jopo za večere, ki so lahko dokaj hladni.
- Prinesite s sabo svoj krožnik, skodelico in pribor, da se izognemo kupom odpadnega plastičnega posodja.
- Ne pozabite kopalk, saj je v bližnji rečici čudovit tolmun, kjer se lahko osvežite.
- Stvari spravite v plastično vrečko, da jih zavarujete, preden jih spravite v nahrbtnik. Smeti odlagajte v vreče za smeti in ločujte odpadke.
- Čez reko v mestu je trgovina, kjer lahko kupite sadje, prigrizke in pijačo.
Pazite nase in na druge. Vsi bi se radi imeli lepo zato moramo paziti drug na drugega. Nenazadnje, s sabo prinesite dobro voljo in proaktivnosti, saj na Ne-festivalu vsi sodelujoči soustvarjamo vse aktivnosti po principu aktivne participacije temelječe na skupnostnem delu.
Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe programa.
Gornji Grad lies in a valley among mountains, so even in the peak of summer nights can get cold. Be sure to bring enough warm clothes for evenings, as well as sunblock, flip-flops, shorts and sunhats. Just in case it rains also bring some wet weather gear too. Gornji Grad lies amidst beautiful nature and we would like to keep it this way. So we promote living in harmony with nature. Because of this year’s specific circumstances regarding corona virus epidemic, we kindly ask all participants to bring protective masks, disinfectant, and tick and mosquito repellents.
- (!) Bring a protective face mask, disinfectant, mosquito and tick repellent.
- Bring your own plate, cup and utensils in order to avoid piles of waste plastic dishes.
- Warm jumper and a jacket for the evening as it can get a little colder at night.
- Bring swimwear as there is a lovely swimming spot at a nearby river and it is really refreshing to take a dip in it on a hot summer day.
- Pack your things into a plastic bag before putting into rucksack to keep them protected. Use the recycling trashbags and sort your waste.
- There is a shop in the town of Gornji Grad just across the river where you can get fruit, snacks and drink.
Take care of yourself and of each other. We all want to have a great time, and looking out for your friends and other people around you can help to keep us all safe. Finally, bring a positive and proactive attitude. In the Non-festival all participants co-create all activities according to the principle of active participation based on communal work.
English below
Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe programa.
Birgit Fritz: Zakonodajno gledališče: To je zakon, ali pa ne. [POLNO]
5. 8. 2021 dopoldne, 6. 8. 2021 dopoldne in popoldne, 7. 8. 2021 dopoldne
Zakonodajno gledališče je oblika participatornega državljanskega gledališča, ki jo je Augusto Boal iznašel v obdobju, ko je opravljal delo zakonodajalca v mestni skupščini Rio de Janeira. Ko so ga v enaindvajsetem stoletju vprašali, če meni, da ta metoda še vedno lahko deluje, je odgovoril, da je treba zakonodajno gledališče vsakič na novo izumiti glede na konkretno priložnost in okoliščine. V delavnici bomo uporabili Boalov vzorčni proces in ga na novo izumili v svoj namen. Ukvarjali se bomo s tematiko vode in politike, saj je voda ključnega pomena za vse nas in nas tako vse povezuje. Pripravite vprašanja, ki se tičejo vode! Kaj vam ne da miru, kaj vas skrbi, katera vprašanja vas mučijo.
Birgit Fritz (birgitfritz.net), rojena na avstrijskem koroškem, je avtorica knjige InExActArt – The Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal: a Handbook of Theatre of the Oppressed Practice. (NeEksAktNa umetnost – avtopoetsko gledališče Augusta Boala: priročnik za prakticiranje gledališča zatiranih. Ima dolgoletne praktične izkušnje z gledališčem zatiranih, je dramska terapevtka, učiteljica metode feldenkrais, članica ISIRRI in soustanoviteljica organizacij TDU-Wien ter Forumtheatregroup SpielerAI. Na Univerzi na Dunaju uči predmet Gledališče kot raziskovanje, kot gostujoča mentorica pa je vodila tudi treninge v Sloveniji in Baskiji.
Josipa Lulić in Dinko Kreho: Poezija zatiranih
5.- 7. 8. 2021 dopoldan
Poezijo pogosto razumemo kot sinonim za ‘elitistično’ umetnost, pa tudi kot v samem temelju individualno in individualistično ustvarjalno prakso. A kaj se zgodi, če poskusimo poezijo pisati kolektivno? Je kaj takega sploh mogoče, ne da bi zapadli v banalnost? In zakaj – je poezija sploh zmožna artikulirati kolektivno izkušnjo?
Po navdihu pojmovanja ‘estetike zatiranih’, kot jo je razvil slavni brazilski dramaturg in gledališki pedagog Augusto Boal, smo člani zagrebškega kolektiva POKAZ začeli raziskovati koncept ‘poezije zatiranih’. Zanimajo nas specifične možnosti in potencial, ki jih odpira poezija in jih ni mogoče najti v nobeni drugi obliki diskurza. Kaj lahko poezija doseže takega, česar ni zmožna nobena druga oblika ali način izražanja? Ob tem smo prepričani ne le, da je s tem mogoče, ampak celo, da je nujno odpreti prostore poezije demokratični participaciji in praksam soudeleženosti.
Vabiva vas, da se nama pridružite na delavnici ‘poezije zatiranih’, kjer bomo tehnike gledališča zatiranih in fizičnega gledališča združili z branjem, pisanjem, urejanjem in predelovanjem poezije. Za to ni potrebno nobeno predhodno znanje, ne gledališko, ne pisateljsko. Vse, kar je treba, je, da prinesete s sabo eno pesem, ni pomembno v katerem jeziku. Pravzaprav sploh ni treba, da jo razumemo! Poleg tega pa še en časopisni ali spletni članek o specifični temi, ki se vam zdi pomembna in družbeno relevantna.
Josipa Lulić že od leta 1996 aktivno deluje na področju gledališča zatiranih. Kot mentorica ali so-mentorica je vodila številne delavnice na Hrvaškem in v tujini, pa tudi veliko umetniških predstav, javnih predstavitev GZ in drugih umetniških intervencij v sodelovanju z različnimi organizacijami in kolektivi. Med leti 2010 in 2017 je delovala kot sodelavka za projekte forumskega gledališča pri Svetovalnem centru Luka Ritz. Organizirala je forumsko skupino Svetovalnega centra, delala kot so-mentorica delavnic forumskega gledališča, pa tudi gledališke igre in džokeringa v forumskih predstavah. Leta 2015 se je udeležila tečaja forumskega gledališča v Centru za gledališče zatiranih v Rio de Janeiru v Braziliji. Je tudi ustanovna članica kolektiva POKAZ.
Dinko Kreho je pisec in prevajalec. Stanuje v Zagrebu. Doslej je objavil tri zbirke poezije, dve neleposlovni knjigi in pa zbirko kratkih zgodb. Delal je tudi kot novinar za več spletnih strani in revij na področju nekdanje Jugoslavije. Od leta 2017 je član Centra za gledališče zatiranih – POKAZ, kjer je so-mentoriral vrsto delavnic GZ, sodeloval pa je tudi pri pisanju in izvedbi številnih javnih predstavitev.
Amanda Kladnik in Maja Žerovnik: Zeliščarske delavnice
5.- 7. 8. 2021 popoldan
* Delavnice se lahko udeležite tudi le za en dan.
Čajanka (5. 8. 2021)
Preprosta skodelica čaja. Tako majhna, a v sebi skriva tako veliko.
Na čajanki po najinem posebnem postopku skupaj pripravimo zeliščni čaj. Ob tem izveš skrivnosti priprave popolne skodelice domačega čaja. In še kakšno hudomušno lokalno zgodbo ali dve ti razkrijeva!
Sprosti se in spusti svoje misli. Prepusti se zeliščnemu čaju, njegovim zgodbam ter vsem svojim čutilom.
Gozdna kopel (6. 8. 2021)
Preprosta. Umirjena. Senzorična. To je gozdna kopel.
Po kratkem uvodu v gozdno kopel se podamo v gozd. To ni botanični/zeliščni sprehod. To je sprehod, kjer se bomo prepustili gozdu in svojim čutilom. Sestavljen je iz večih povabil za senzorične aktivnosti. Zaključi se s čajnim obredom. Čaj se ponavadi pripravi iz sestavin nabranih med samim sprehodom.
Ta sprehod vodi certificirana vodnica gozdne terapije in sledi standardni sekvenci vodilne organizacije ANFT (Assotiation of Nature and Forest Therapy) iz Kalifornije, ZDA.
Zeliščna kadila (7. 8. 2021)
Vonj je čutilo, ki prikliče spomine in vzbudi hrepenenja.
Na delavnici spoznaš katera zelišča so nekoč uporabljali kot kadila ter njihov pomen in zgodbe.
Amanda Kladnik in Maja Žerovnik (zeliscnavas.si/sl/zeliscna-vas/) živita, ustvarjata in delata v majhni vasici Gornji Grad v Zgornjesavinjski dolini. Sta zeliščarki in pripovedovalki zgodb ter skrbnici očarljivega zeliščnega vrta in zeliščarne v trškem jedru. Amanda Kladnik je svoje strokovno znanje o tradicionalnem zeliščarstvu pridobila na TEH (Traditionelle Europaeische Heilkunde) Akademie v Avstriji. Maja Žerovnik pa se je na Norveškem udeležila izobraževanja o gozdni terapiji/kopeli pod okriljem ANFT (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy) iz Kalifornije, ZDA.
Birgit Fritz: Legislative theatre: To legislate or not to legislate [FULL]
5. 8. 2021 forenoon, 6. 8. 2021 forenoon and afternoon, 7. 8. 2021 forenoon
Legislative theatre is a participatory citizens’ theatre dynamic that was used by Boal during his time as a legislator in Rio de Janeiro last century. Asked in the 21st century if he thought that it was still useful, he answered that it needs to be reinvented for each and any time and context. In this workshop we want to use Boal’s model process and reinvent it for our purposes. Our theme will be water and its politics, as it is vital to all of us everywhere and it connects us all. Bring your issues around water! What upsets you, what concerns you, which questions are bothering you.
Birgit Fritz (birgitfritz.net), born in Carinthia, is the author of InExActArt – The Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal: a Handbook of Theatre of the Oppressed Practice. She is a longstanding TO practitioner, dramatherapist, feldenkrais-teacher, member of JSIRRI, and co-founder of TdU-Wien and Forumtheatregroup SpielerAI. She teaches Theatre as research at the University of Vienna, and she has also led trainings as a visiting tutor in Slovenia and the Basque country.
Josipa Lulić and Dinko Kreho:Poetry Of The Oppressed
5.- 7. 8. 2021 forenoon
Poetry is often seen as synonymous with “elite” art, as well as a fundamentally individual and individualist creative practice. However, what happens if we try to collectively write poetry? Is such an endeavour even possible without falling prey to banality? And why — is poetry able to articulate collective experience?
Inspired by the notion of “the aesthetics of the oppressed”, developed by the famed Brazilian dramaturge and theatre pedagogist Augusto Boal, the members of the Zagreb-based POKAZ collective have been exploring the concept of the “poetry of the oppressed”. We are interested in the specific possibilities and potentials that poetry offers, ones that cannot be found in any other form of a discourse. What is poetry capable of achieving that no other form and expression is? In doing so, we are convinced that it is not only possible, but also necessary to open up the spaces of poetry for democratic participation and collaborative practice.
We invite you to join us at the workshop “Poetry of the Oppressed”, where we will combine the techniques of the theatre of the oppressed and physical theatre with the reading, writing, editing and reworking of poetry. No background in either theatre or writing is required. All that is required is that you bring one poem, in any language — we do not have to be able to understand it! — and one newspaper or website article about a particular topic that you perceive as important and socially relevant.
Josipa Lulić has been practicing TO since 1996. She has hosted and co-hosted numerous workshops in Croatia and abroad, as well as a number of art performances, public performances of TO and other artistic interventions in cooperation with different organisations and collectives. From 2010. to 2017. she worked as a collaborator on forum theatre projects at the Luka Ritz Counseling Centre, co-organising the Counseling Centre’s forum group, co-hosting forum theatre workshops and acting and jockering in forum performances. In 2015. she took part in a forum theatre course at the Centre for the Theatre of the Oppressed (CTO) in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. She is a founding member of POKAZ.
Dinko Kreho is a writer and translator based in Zagreb. He has thus far published three poetry collections, two non-fiction books and a short story collection. He has also worked as a journalist for a number of websites and magazines in the post-Yugoslav region. Since 2017 he has been a member of the Centre for the Theatre of the Oppressed – POKAZ, with which he has co-managed a number of TO workshops, as well as co-written and acted in many public performances.
Amanda Kladnik and Maja Žerovnik: Workshops that have to do with herbs and discovering herbal mysteries
5.- 7. 8. 2021 afternoon
*It is possible to attend the workshops for just one of the days.
Tea Party
A simple cup of tea. So small, yet hiding so much inside itself.
At our tea party we will all prepare herbal tea together, according to our special procedure. During the process you learn the secret to preparing a perfect cup of home-made tea. Plus we can share a witty local story or two with you. Relax and let your thoughts go. Give yourself entirely to the herbal tea, its stories and to all of your senses.
Forest Bath
Simple. Calm. Sensoric. This is the forest bath.
After a short introduction we head towards the forest. This is not a botanic/herbal stroll. It is a walk during which we give ourselves to the forest and to our sensations. It comprises several invitations to sensoric activities. And it ends with a tea ritual. The tea is usually brewed from ingredients picked during the walk itself.
The stroll will be guided by a certified guide of forest therapy according to the standard sequence of the leading ANFT (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy) organisation from California, USA.
Herbal Incenses
Smell is the sense that brings back memories and stimulates yearning.
At the workshop we will learn which herbs people used to make incense from, their meanings and stories.
Amanda Kladnik and Maja Žerovnik (zeliscnavas.si/sl/zeliscna-vas/) live and work in the village of Gornji Grad in the Zgornjesavinska valley. They are herbalists, storytellers and caretakers of the charming herbal garden and herb shop. Amanda Kladnik gained her expert knowledge of traditional herbalism at the TEH (Traditionelle Europaeische Heilkunde) Akademie in Austria. Maja Žerovnik participated in a training course on forest thearpy/bath under the auspices of ANFT (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy) of California, USA.
Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe programa.
Tematska skupščina: Vloga teatra v političnih procesih
sreda, 4. 8. 2021, 17.00, Tlaka 32, trajanje: 90 min
Funkcija kulture (in posledično tudi teatra) v družbi je, med drugim, politična. Ob tem se lahko osredotočimo na več vprašanj:
1. Je teater v tem kontekstu lahko nosilec družbenih sprememb ali njihov znanilec, in če je znanilec v kakšnem odnosu je do nosilcev političnih sprememb?
2. Kako se lahko alternativne politične misli odražajo znotraj teatra – ali vplivajo na organizacijske strukture, produkcijo, vsebine …?
3. Če vzamemo skupnost kot enega od gradnikov družbe – ali je to lahko tudi teater?
V debati z ostalimi udeleženci bi želeli preizprašati še druge fragmente misli iz anarhistične perspektive, v kolikor bi do razvoja debate v tej smeri prišlo.
Topic assembly: The role of theatre in political processes
Wednesday, 4. 8. 2021, 17.00, Tlaka 32 (the house), duration: 90 min
Among other functions, culture (and theatre as well) also plays a political role in society. In this respect we can focus on several issues.
1. Can theatre in this context be seen as an agent of social change or their or flag-bearer. In the latter case, what is its relation to the agents of social change?
2. How are alternative political thoughts reflected in the framework of theatre – can they affect organisational structures, production, contents…?
3. If we consider community to be one of the building blocks of society – can theatre also be considered as such? In the discussion with other participants we also wish to address other fragments of thought from an anarchist angle in the case that the discussion develops in that direction.
Biti Doh Kihot
Matija Solce, Tines Špik
sreda, 4. 8. 2021, 19.00, središče Gornjega Grada
Don Kihot (še) ni mrtev! V avtobiografski tragikomediji, postavljeni na interpretaciji arhetipa Don Kihota, se igralca Matija Solce in Tines Špik spopadata z razumevanjem norosti in normalnosti, umetnosti in družbe, lutkarjev in lutk, idealizma in realnosti. V dramatični in ritmični predstavi ne manjka konfliktov, romantike in presenetljivih zapletov, ki eskalirajo v eksistencialno vprašanje (ne)smisla umetnosti. Poglejte na svet s perspektive lutkarja. Don Kihot živi!
Režiserja: Vida Cerkvenik Bren in Matija Solce
Igralci: Tines Špik / Filip Šebšajevič in Matija Solce
Izdelovalec lutk: Mitja Ritmanič
Scenograf in avtor glasbe: Matija Solce
Being Don Quichotte
Matija Solce, Tines Špik
Wednesday, 4. 8. 2021, 19.00, centre of Gornji Grad
The tragicomedy is starting with the poor puppeteer, which lives without stage, without lights and has to make his way through life with only one marionette. Interfered by the manager, which only wants to build a commercial hit, the simple traditional puppet show escalates into physical theatre, commedia dell’arte and surrealistic scenes, in which the stage spreads all over the place and the audience becomes actively involved. And after the puppet cut her strings off, after puppeteer loses his job, after the public leaves the disastrous show… the new ideas start growing again.
Directors: Vida Cerkvenik Bren & Matija Solce
Puppet: Mitja Ritmanič
Scenography, music, author: Matija Solce
Performers: Tines Špik or Filip Šebšajevič, Matija Solce
predstava sodobnega cirkusa
Danijela Zajc
sreda, 4. 8. 2021, 21.00, Pr’ Kozolc’
dviga čebre na trebuhu.
tovori žaklje na plečih.
vleče vedra iz vodnjaka.
rojeva sadove moške sle.
Anna Świrszczyńska: Življenjepis vaške babe
(prevod: Jana Unuk)
Niti je prva predstava triologije Niti PraGozd. Niti raziskuje življenje prežeto s patriarhatom in kmečkim življenjem. Je delo, ki se obrača na velikokrat prezrte ženske in njihov položaj na kmetiji. Vsebino za predstavo “Niti” avtorica črpa iz lastne izkušnje življenja v tradicionalnem okolju. Skoznjo poskuša razumeti življenje in delovanje babic, matere in sester ter hkrati iskati lastne pozicije znotraj omenjene relacije. Avtorica vsebine na prerformativen in eksperimentalen način pripoveduje skozi zračne akrobacije na vrveh. Predstava je poskus poklona, kritike, razumevanja in sprejemanja. Je iskanje korelacij z lastnim življenjem in ustvarjanjem.
Koncept/koreografija/izvedba: Danijela Zajc
Zunanje oko, pomoč pri režiji: Tjaž Juvan, Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Glasba: Urška Preis
Producentka: Danijela Zajc
Koprodukcija: Društvo Mismo Nismo, Zavod Bufeto, Cirkusarna Naokrog, Zavod Vitkar, Društvo Matafir
Financerji: MOL – oddelek za kulturo; MZK – delovna štipendija
contemporary circus
Danijela Zajc
Wednesday, 4. 8. 2021, 21.00, the Barn
Threads is the first part of a trilogy. It explores life under patriarchal rule in rural countryside. The performance addresses women, who are often overlooked, and their position on a farm. The inspiration for the performance derives from the authors’ personal experience of growing up in traditional surroundings. She endeavours to understand the lives and work of her grandmothers, mother and sisters and at the same time to find her own position in these relationships. The author transforms this content in a performative and experimental way into aerial acrobatics on ropes. The performance attempts to give homage and a critique and to achieve understanding and acceptance. It looks for correlations with her own life and creativity.
Concept/choreography/performing: Danijela Zajc
View from outside/director assistance: Tjaž Juvan, Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Music: Urška Preis
Producer: Danijela Zajc
Co-producers Društvo Mismo Nismo, Zavod Bufeto, Cirkusarna Naokrog, Zavod Vitkar, Društvo Matafir
Financial support: MOL, oddelek za kulturo, and MZK, delovna štipendija
Happy Bones
Matija Solce
sreda, 4. 8. 2021, 22.30, središče Gornjega Grada
Kup kosti, zbranih z različnih koncev sveta, majhna krsta in panda. Kot alkimist tudi lutkar ustvarja like, čustva in zaplete iz nežive materije. Preproste kosti brez uporabe ene same besede pripovedujejo svoje zgodbe o samoti. Kdo je lutka in kdo animator? Kdo je mrtev in kdo živ? Predmetno gledališče v svoji najbolj surovi obliki prikazuje njegove neskončne možnosti. Dadaistična delitev, ironična črna komedija, ki spreminja perspektivo gledalca, ga preseneča in nasmeji. Dokler se ne zaveš, da si le del večje igre. Igre smrti.
Za odrasle in otroke s smislom za črni humor.
Avtorstvo in izvedba: Matija Solce
Režija: Vida Bren Cerkvenik
Happy Bones
Matija Solce
Wednesday, 22.30, centre of Gornji Grad
Bunch of bones, all collected from different parts of the world, small coffin and a stuffed panda. Like a cheerful alchemist the puppeteer makes characters, emotions and entanglements pop out of inanimate matter. Simple bones, without using a single word, tell their stories about solitude. Who is the puppet and who is the animator? Who is dead and who alive? Object theatre in its most raw form, shows its endless possibilities. Dadaistic partiture, ironic black comedy, that every second changes perspective of the viewer, surprises and makes you laugh. Until you realise, that you are just a part of bigger game. Game of death.
Advisible for grown ups or children with sense of black humor.
Author, played by: Matija Solce
Direction: Vida Bren Cerkvenik
Dobro jutro
predstava za otroke in odrasle
Andrej Tomše in Luka Piletič
četrtek, 5. 8. 2021, 10.00 – DEOS Gornji Grad in 15.00 – jedro Gornjega Grada
A vam je že kdaj skipela kava?
A ste že kdaj prespali budilko?
Vam gre kdaj vse narobe?
Takrat je ob sebi dobro imeti prijatelja.
Razen, če je za vse kriv prav on.
Tri štiri zdaj, spektakel!
Avtorstvo in izvedba: Andrej Tomše in Luka Piletič
Režija: Alenka Marinič
Scenografija: Kata Zalar
Produkcija: Andrej Tomše
Koprodukcija: Gledališče Ane Monro
Financer: Mestna občina Ljubljana
Good morning
Andrej Tomše, Luka Piletič
Thursday, 5. 8. 2021, 10.00 – DEOS Gornji Grad, and 15.00 – centre of Gornji Grad
Have you ever had the coffee boil over?
Have you ever overslept the alarm?
Have you ever had a bad day when everything seems to go wrong?
On such days it’s good to have a friend nearby.
Except when he is the one to blame for everything.
Get, set, go: a spectacle.
Authors and performers: Andrej Tomše in Luka Piletič
Director: Alenka Marinič
Stage designer: Kata Zalar
Coproducer: Gledališče Ane Monro
Financial support: Mestna občina Ljubljana
Cesta prekarskih brigad
Skupina Omletnice_ki
četrtek, 5. 8. 2021, 20.00, Pr’ Kozolc’
Predstava Ceste prekarskih brigad pred nami odgrne vsakdan različnih prekarnih delavcev in njihovo stisko, v kateri se znajdejo ob spremembi zakona, ki ogrozi njihovo eksistenco. Gled-igralci bodo s svojimi intervencijami imeli možnost poiskati rešitve, ki bi lahko spremenile njihov, na videz brezizhoden, položaj.
Avtorji in izvajalci: Omletniki in omletnice – Luka Kristić, Lucija Plavčak, Sandra Štefanec, Barbara Mastnak, Timotej Kresnik, Blažka Garmut
Mentorji Barbara Polajnar, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Žiga Brdnik
Produkcija: Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor
Financer: Erasmus+, Solidarnostna enota
The ways of precarious troops
Thursday, 5. 8. 2021, 20.00, The Barn
The performance presents us the everyday life of several precarious workers and the trials and tribulations that start when a law is changed, which puts their very existence in jeopardy. The spect-actors will get the opportunity to offer their own solutions that could change the seemingly unresolvable situation of the protagonists.
Performers: Luka Kristić, Lucija Plavčak, Sandra Štefanec, Barbara Mastnak, Timotej Kresnik, Blažka Garmut
Mentors: Barbara Polajnar, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Žiga Brdnik
Kar smo (bili)
Nina Vombergar, Grega Močivnik
četrtek, 5. 8. 2021, 22.00, Pr’ Kozolc’
Kar smo (bili) je glasbeno-plesni dogodek, ki obuja rituale združevanja. Navdih črpa v celonočnih plesih, ki jih poganja hipnotični techno. Ples v takih kontekstih ni zgolj neskončna hoja na mestu, ampak postane družbeno dejanje, ki predpostavlja radikalno sprejemanje različnosti. Kar smo (bili) je povabilo k vzpostavitvi skupnosti onkraj obstoječega jezika. Kar smo (bili) je poziv h gibalni osvoboditvi vseh prisotnih.
Izvedba: Nina Vombergar, Grega Močivnik in ostali
DJ: Teodor G.
Produkcija: KUD Ljud
What We are (were)
Nina Vombergar, Grega Močivnik
Thursday, 5. 8. 2021, 22.00, the Barn
What We are (were) is a music-dance event evoking the rituals of coming together. It draws inspiration from all-night dancing driven by hypnotic techno music. In such a context dancing no longer means just endlessly walking on the spot, rather it turns into a social activity presupposing radical acceptance of all that is different. What We are (were) is an invitation to establish a community beyond the existing language. It is a call to free all who are present through movement.
Performers: Nina Vombergar, Grega Močivnik and others
DJ: Teodor G.
Co-producer: KUD Ljud
Krog v kvadratnem mestu
Anja Bezlova, Alenka Marinič
petek, 6. 8. 2021, 15.00, Pr’ Kozolc’
Za devetimi gorami in devetimi vodami raste prav poseben gozd.Gozd, kjer namesto smrek in bukev rastejo kvadratna drevesa in namesto pisanih kvadratne rože. In če po tem gozdu hodiš še naprej, prideš do kvadratne vasi. Ta vas je polna kvadratov in kvadratnikov, kvadratnih hiš in trgovin. In vse je v najlepšem kvadratnem redu. Dokler se nekega sončnega jutra ne rodi v njej krog …
Kaj se zgodi potem, vam bosta na igriv in iskriv način povedali klovnji Rose in Marjeta Cveta!
Avtorstvo in izvedba: Anja Bezlova, Alenka Marinič
Režija: Justin Durel
Produkcija: Globus Hystericus
Circle in a square town
Anja Bezlova and Alenka Marinič
Friday, 6. 8. 2021, 15.00, the Barn
Once upon a time there was a very special forest. Instead of pines and birches, square trees were growing in that forest and there were square flowers instead of coloured ones. And if you pass the forest you get to a square town. The town is full of squares and squarepants, square houses and stores. Everything is in perfect square order. Until one fine sunny morning a circle is borne there…
The clowns Rose and Marjeta Cveta will tell you what happens then in a playful and humorous way.
Authors and performers: Anja Bezlova, Alenka Marinič
Director: Justin Durel
Gori v krošnjah: uporniški ep
petek, 6. 8. 2021, 20.00, Pr’ Kozolc’
Večni pohlep
Brez omejitev
Kaj ostane?
Predstava govori o gozdni okupaciji v hosti Dannenröder v Nemčiji v oktobru leta 2019, prepleta pa se s prastarim sumerskim Epom o Gilgamešu. Ker ga žene pohlep po ekonomski vrednosti narave Gilgameš, kralj prve države, poseka veliki cedrov gozd. Ep o Gilgamešu je več kot le ostanek preteklosti: kapitalističnega imperativa rasti ni mogoče uskladiti s trajnostjo.
Ekipa: Tdu Munich (Gemainwohnwolen) Naša skupina je organizirana na solidarnosten in nehierarhičen način, z odprto in pretočno izmenjavo članov. Raje se identificiramo preko skupine kot pa kot posamezniki, zato so imena članov nepomembna. Če pa že kdo vpraša, jim povejte naša gozdna imena.
Finančna podpora: Erasmus+, European solidarity corps
Up in the trees: an epic of resistance
Friday, 6. 8. 2021, 20.00, the Barn
Perpetual greed
I want
I take
No boundaries
What’s left?
A play about the forest occupation at the Dannenröder forest (Germany) in October 2019, intertwined with the ancient Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh. Driven by the economic value of nature, Gilgamesh – the king of the first state – destroys the great cedar forest. The Gilgamesh epic is more than a historic relic: Capitalism’s growth imperative is incompatible with sustainability.
Our theater group is organised in solidarity, non hierarchical and with an open and fluent change of people. We rather identify ourselves through the group than as individuals, that’s also why names of group members are superfluous. But if anybody asks, tell them our forest names 🙂
Produkcije delavnic
20.00, Pr’ Kozolc’
Workshop productions
20.00, the Barn
Sanja Kranjc in Zala Gorjup: Delavnice za otroke
5., 6. in 7. 8 dopoldne in popoldne
Vsi si želimo, da bi bil svet okoli nas lep in prijazen. Na delavnicah bomo raziskovali, kako lahko za to poskrbimo sami. Pokukali bomo v gozd, se sproščali v naravi in odkrivali, kaj vse nam ponuja. Izumljali bomo nove recepte, ustvarjali, sadili rastlinice in z malimi pozornostmi polepšali dan starostnikom v domu starejših. Pa to še ni vse! Morda pa na koncu najdemo čisto pravi zaklad
Sanja Kranjc in Zala Gorjup sta socialni pedagoginji in članici društva Transformator.
Sanja Kranjc je kot študentka opravljala prakso v okviru osnovne šole, prostovoljno sodelovala pri organizaciji doživljajskega tabora Izzivnik, bila animatorka in mentorica otrok na letovanjih, pripravila in vodila interaktivno malo šolo gasilskih veščin ter redno izvajala delavnice na temo varnosti v prometu in nastopala v dveh različnih gledaliških igrah na to temo. Je članica mlade aktivistično-igralske zasedbe Upogljivi upor.
Zala Gorjup ima večletne izkušnje dela na osnovnih šolah kot učiteljica dodatne strokovne pomoči, podaljšanega bivanja, svetovalnega dela. V prostem času raziskuje tudi metodo čuječnosti.
Sanja Kranjc and Zala Gorjup: Workshops for children
We all wish that the world around us was nice and kind. At the workshop we will explore how to make this happen by ourselves. We will take a peek into the forest, relax in nature and discover all that she is offering us. We will invent new recipes, create, plant some plants and make small gifts to brighten up the day of the elderly in the local home for the elderly. And that’s only the beginning! We might even end up finding a real treasure… 😉
Sanja Kranjc and Zala Gorjup are social pedagogues and members of KUD Transformator.
Sanja Kranjc is a graduate of social pedagogy. As a student, she did an internship in elementary school, volunteered for the Izzivnik adventure camp, was an animator and mentor of children on vacations, prepared and led an interactive small school of firefighting skills, and regularly conducted workshops on traffic safety and performed in two different plays on this topic. She is a member of the young activist-acting group Resilient Revolt.
Zala Gorjup has years of experience working in elementary schools as an assistant teacher for after-school care and a consultancy worker. In her free time she is also exploring the method of mindfulness.
English below.
EARLY BIRD (prijave in plačila do 7. 7. 2021): 100-150 EUR **
Po 7. 7. 2021: 150-200 EUR **
**Po principu solidarnostne ekonomije lahko plačate po svojih zmožnostih in s tem podprete kulturne delavke_ce, izvajalke_ce, mentorje_ice in organizatorke_je Ne-festivala.
V ceno je vključeno spanje v Ne-festivalskem kampu, dva veganska/brezglutenska obroka na dan (kosilo in večerja), delavnice in predstave, delavnice za otroke. Zjutraj bo za zajtrk v lastni režiji na voljo zunanja majhna kuhinja.
Posebna ponudba: Zeliščarskih delavnic se lahko udeležite tudi posamično. Prispevek za posamično delavnico znaša 15-20 EUR (solidarnostna ekonomija).
Prijava je potrjena po uspešno izvedeni transakciji.
EARLY BIRD (registration and payment before July 7th 2021) : 100-150 EUR **
After July 7th 2021: 150-200 € **
The price includes sleeping in the Non-festival camp, two vegan / glutenfree meals per day (lunch and dinner), workshops and performances, workshops for children and childcare. There is an outside little kitchen available to use for self organized breakfast.
**Choose the amount by means of solidarity economy and support cultural workers organizing and facilitating Non-festival. According to the state of your finances and the principles of solidarity economy you can also transfer a higher amount, thus helping the organizers of the event.
Special offer: You can attend only one Herbal workshop (if you don’t come for the whole package). Contribution for one workshop is 15-20 EUR (solidarity economy).
BARBARA POLAJNAR tel: +386 51 335 329
TJAŠA KOSAR tel: +386 40 584 841