15.–21. 8. 2023, Slovenija

Glede na izkušnje zbranih partnerjev v projektu ter koordinatorja projekta, ki deluje na področju mladine in mladinskega dela ter gledališča zatiranih v Sloveniji 10 let, je jasno, da metodologija gledališča zatiranih, četudi je zelo učinkovita metodologija za reševanje različnih družbenih problemov, ni dovolj uporabljena in vključena kot oblika mladinskega dela po vsej Evropi. Projekta želi prispevati k večji prepoznavnosti in razširjenosti uporabe metode
forumskega gledališča onkraj organizacij, ki se je že poslužujejo.

Cilj projekta je preko izmenjave znanj, izkušenj in metod partnerskih organizacij izboljšati in utrditi kompetence mladinskih delavcev, ki se pri svojem delu z mladimi poslužujejo metode gledališča zatiranih, predvsem forumskega gledališča. Gre za svetovno znano metodo družbeno angažiranega gledališča, ki jo je v 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja zasnoval Brazilec Augusto Boal, katere namen je demokratizacija gledališke prakse, oblikovanje orodij za kanaliziranje političnega glasu marginaliziranih skupin ter spodbujanje k širši diskusiji in ozaveščenosti o izpostavljenem družbenem problemu.

Usposabljanje mladinskih delavk in delavcev tako na eni strani stremi k nadgradnji kompetenc mladinskih delavcev, ki temelji tako na nadgrajevanju znanja o sami metodi kot tudi širitvi družbene in politične ozaveščenosti skozi medsebojno učenje udeležencev iz partnerskih organizacij; po drugi strani pa je cilj projekta tudi širši in zajema družbeno ozaveščanje, opolnomočenje in vključevanje (marginaliziranih) mladih v družbene ter politične procese skozi delo mladinskih delavcev, udeležencev usposabljanja, onkraj okvira projekta.

Based on the experience of the partners included in the project, experiences of the coordinator of the project, who is working active in youth work and Theatre of the Oppressed for last 10 years in Slovenia and abroad, it is clear that Theatre of the Oppressed methodology even if it is a very efficient methodology for handling diverse social problems is not enough known and applied as a method of youth work across the Europe. Thus the aim of the project is also to contribute to a wider recognisability and wider network of practitioners of the Forum Theatre method, beyond those, who are already familiar with it.

The main objective of the project is to strengthen the competencies of youth workers, working with the Theatre of the Oppressed methods (especially forum theatre), through exchanging knowledge, experiences and skills between partner organizations. The method of Forum theatre, which will be the focus of the training, is a widely known method of socially engaged theatre, created in the 70s by Brazilian theatre director Augusto Boal. Its main aim is to democratize the theatre practice, create tools for channeling the political voice of marginalized social groups and contribute to a wider discussion and awareness about different social problems.

This means that on the one hand the project’s objective is focused on improving the skills regarding the method itself and widening the political and social awareness of the youth workers through the horizontal learning process. On the other hand it also aims further, in that it encourages social awareness, empowerment and inclusion of young (marginalized) people into social and political processes through the work of youth workers beyond this project.

Partnerji v projektu/Partners in the project: KUD Transformator, Theater der Unterdrückten – Wien, Tartaruga Falante – Associação, CENTAR ZA KAZALIŠTE POTLAČENIH-POKAZ, DIALOGOS e.V, ), Les Polymorphistes, ASSOCIAZIONE MOE’