Climate justice.Action.Theatre.

Climate justice.Action.Theatre. je projekt gledaliških aktivistov gledališča zatiranih na področju podnebne pravičnosti in izobraževanja odraslih. Glavni cilj projekta je ustvariti mednarodno, razgibano in rastočo skupnost aktivistov in gledališčnikov. Gledališka metodologija je bila širom sveta uporabljena za vzpodbujanje družbenih gibanj.

Climate justice.Action.Theatre je inovativen projekt, ki naslavlja vrzel na področju izobraževanja odraslih. Kljub temu, da podnebne spremembe niso nova tematika, se nujnost soočiti z njo iz dneva v dan le povečuje. Izobraževanje, posebej na področju izobraževanja odraslih, še ni dohitelo problematike. Ne ponuja učinkovitih načinov posredovanja sočasno točnih informacij ter izpostavljanja resnosti trenutnega stanja. Politično izobraževanje, del katerega je izobraževanje o podnebnih spremembah, je danes le majhen del izobrazbe odraslih. Vlogo informiranja javnosti o problematiki podnebnih sprememb in podnebne pravičnosti so do sedaj prevzela družbena gibanja kot so Petki za prihodnost. Zdaj je čas, da najdemo učinkovite načine kako to področje nagovorimo v izobraževanju odraslih.

Projekt je del mednarodnega gibanja Resilient Revolt. Več:
“Projekt izvajamo v sodelovanju z TdU Wien (Avstrija) in Gemeinwohlwohnen (Nemčija). Projekt financira Avstrijska nacionalna agencija ERASMUS+”

(eng) Climate justice. Action. Theater. is the contribution of activist theatre makers to recent climate justice movements who united together in order to form an international movement of activist theatre-makers working with the methodology of Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) in the field of adult learning. It is a new transnational, mostly European forum theatre movement dealing with climate justice that intends to have members all over Europe. The main goal of the project is to create an international, diverse, multiplying community of activists and theatre-makers who are striking to advocate the topic of climate justice and social justice by using various forms of artistic expression, though focusing on forum theatre and theatre for dialogue by the year 2022. Forum Theatre has been successfully used all over the world to mobilize for social movements and create operating strategies for social movements. The urgent need for opening the dialogue on the topic of climate justice in contemporary European society is indisputable. Hence, providing more spaces in engaging local communities in the dialogue on questioning these issues is demanded. In this project, we will provide a bridge between the present conversations and discourses on the topic of climate justice and local communities of individuals who perhaps were not deeply introduced to the topic before.