Razstava: Mavrica po Mavrici
—ENG below

Za nami je zaupen samo-transformativni proces …
kopale smo in raziskovali izvore naših odzivov na socialne situacije in kaj povzroča našo nezmožnost za realizacijo želja …
materializirale smo notranje policaje, ki nam onemogočajo tvorno soočanje s konflikti … individualne izkušnje so postale kolektivne, odstirali smo tančice zatiranja … Mavrica želja je postala orodje za spreminjanje družbene realnosti …
z dekonstrukcijo in rekonstrukcijo posameznika smo dekonstruirali in rekonstruirali družbeno realnost …

Poleg razstavljenih refleksij udeleženk in udeležencev bomo z vami delile tudi nekatere vaje, ki so bile del procesa, ter skromen prigrizek

Razstava bo na ogled še do 12. 12. 2022, in sicer
– v torek, 6. 12., 14.00-17.00
– v sredo, 7. 12., 19.00-21.00
– v četrtek, 8. 12., 14.00-16.00
– v petek, 9. 12., 14.00-17.00
– in v preostalih terminih, ko imaš srečo, da se udeležiuješ aktivnosti v ULCI

– v torek, 6. 12., 14.00-17.00
– v sredo, 7. 12., 19.00-21.00
– v četrtek, 8. 12., 14.00-16.00
– v petek, 9. 12., 14.00-17.00
– in v preostalih terminih, ko imaš srečo, da se udeležiuješ aktivnosti v ULCI

Razstava je nastala v okviru projekta Mavrica želja – barvamo življenja mladih v času malodušja, ki ga sofinancira MOL, Urad za mladino.
———- ENG

We cocreated a confidential self-transformative process …
we dug and researched the origins of our reactions to social situations and what causes our inability to realize our desires…
we materialized internal cops that prevent us from dealing constructively with conflicts … individual experiences became collective, we removed the veils of oppression … the Rainbow of Desires became a tool for changing social reality …
by deconstructing and reconstructing the individual, we deconstructed and reconstructed social reality …

In addition to the exhibited reflections of the participants, we will also share with you some of the exercises that were part of the process, as well as a modest snack

The exhibition will be on view until Monday, December 12, 2022, namely
– on Tuesday, 6 December, 14:00-17:00
– on Wednesday, 7 December, 19:00-21:00
– on Thursday, December 8, 14:00-16:00
– on Friday, 9 December, 14:00-17:00
– and in the remaining times when you are lucky enough to participate in activities at ULCA

– on Tuesday, 6 December, 14:00-17:00
– on Wednesday, 7 December, 19:00-21:00
– on Thursday, December 8, 14:00-16:00
– on Friday, 9 December, 14:00-17:00
– and in the remaining times when you are lucky enough to participate in activities at ULCA

The exhibition was created within the framework of the project Rainbow of desired – we color the lives of young people in times of discouragement, which is co-financed by the Youth Office of Ljubljana Municipality.
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